Soho 108 FFuzz
In the late 1960s the classic germanium transistors in the FF pedal was superseeded by the silicon transistor. There are many reasons for this change. The most noteable issues with germanium transistors was the poor reliability and problems with temperature variations causing the pedal to sound different depending on ambient temperature. The silicon transistor solved many of these issues. They tended to have a slightly harsher tone but that never bothered Mr Hendrix.
rETrO ELECTrIC brings you the SOHO 108B. It is named after the type of transistor that has been chosen for this particular unit.
On an A/B test with a modern, blue FF I found the 108B to be a little warmer and have a little more prescence. You decide:) Every R/E pedal comes with a 7 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
2 x BC108B silicon transistor
point to point handwired circuit on amp style turret board
a mix of modern and vintage resistors and capacitors
quality vintage style output jacks
led light
Vimex/Alpha 1KB gain pot
Vimex/Apha 500KA volume pot
large bakelite fluted knobs
true bypass
heavy duty hand drilled, stamped enclosure
each pedal is individually numbered and dated
your pedal runs on 9V (negative center pin) mains power
In the late 1960s the classic germanium transistors in the FF pedal was superseeded by the silicon transistor. There are many reasons for this change. The most noteable issues with germanium transistors was the poor reliability and problems with temperature variations causing the pedal to sound different depending on ambient temperature. The silicon transistor solved many of these issues. They tended to have a slightly harsher tone but that never bothered Mr Hendrix.
rETrO ELECTrIC brings you the SOHO 108B. It is named after the type of transistor that has been chosen for this particular unit.
On an A/B test with a modern, blue FF I found the 108B to be a little warmer and have a little more prescence. You decide:) Every R/E pedal comes with a 7 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
2 x BC108B silicon transistor
point to point handwired circuit on amp style turret board
a mix of modern and vintage resistors and capacitors
quality vintage style output jacks
led light
Vimex/Alpha 1KB gain pot
Vimex/Apha 500KA volume pot
large bakelite fluted knobs
true bypass
heavy duty hand drilled, stamped enclosure
each pedal is individually numbered and dated
your pedal runs on 9V (negative center pin) mains power
In the late 1960s the classic germanium transistors in the FF pedal was superseeded by the silicon transistor. There are many reasons for this change. The most noteable issues with germanium transistors was the poor reliability and problems with temperature variations causing the pedal to sound different depending on ambient temperature. The silicon transistor solved many of these issues. They tended to have a slightly harsher tone but that never bothered Mr Hendrix.
rETrO ELECTrIC brings you the SOHO 108B. It is named after the type of transistor that has been chosen for this particular unit.
On an A/B test with a modern, blue FF I found the 108B to be a little warmer and have a little more prescence. You decide:) Every R/E pedal comes with a 7 day 100% satisfaction guarantee.
2 x BC108B silicon transistor
point to point handwired circuit on amp style turret board
a mix of modern and vintage resistors and capacitors
quality vintage style output jacks
led light
Vimex/Alpha 1KB gain pot
Vimex/Apha 500KA volume pot
large bakelite fluted knobs
true bypass
heavy duty hand drilled, stamped enclosure
each pedal is individually numbered and dated
your pedal runs on 9V (negative center pin) mains power